A61 Raincoat

How to wear A61-II raincoat

Instructions on how to wear the A61-II raincoat worn at speed

A61-II raincoat design concept

It solves the problem of two-piece raincoats being difficult to wear in the past, and uses multi-pore polyester fiber fabric with a waterproofness of 10000mmH2O and a moisture permeability of 5000 g/m2‧24hrs, and is sewn with waterproof threads, so that it can be worn all day long. Comfort, and the unique AAS (Applicable in all states) fixing system that is applicable in all states. Whether you are wearing a backpack or pulling up your top caused by riding on a bike, AAS can prevent rainwater from penetrating under any circumstances. pants

A61-II raincoat product advantages

1. No need to take off shoes to wear directly to solve the trouble of taking off shoes and wearing traditional two-piece raincoats

Boots fit easily too
Note: The boots with CE certification cannot pass directly

2. Detachable ergonomic rain boots do not need to be prepared separately, the practicality of rain boots is UP

3. Use multi-pore polyester fiber fabric with a waterproofness of 10000mmH2O and a moisture permeability of 5000 g/m2‧24hrs And with waterproof sewing thread, it is comfortable and not stuffy in all weathers, and using 3M 8725 reflective material is safer at night

4. The top can be worn alone, making the A61 raincoat not only useful on rainy days, but also a good item for daily wear.

5. The multi-directional adjustment function of rain pants can adjust the most comfortable size according to the clothing.(With waist adjustment and rain pants position adjustment functions)

6. Precautions When using rain pants, please pass the elastic band through the two AAS system fixing rings (1 2) and clamp the fixing clips on the rain pants (3). Both the left and right sides are required to fully utilize the AAS function.

A61-II raincoat official website shopping link

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